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Ellis Middle School

1700 4th Avenue SE
Austin, MN 55912
School Hours: 8:00AM - 3:00PM

Austin Public Schools



Welcome to Ellis Middle School!

Ellis Middle School offers a wide variety of courses, some required and others elective in nature, to provide students with an opportunity to explore their interests. Teachers, counselors, and administrators at Ellis provide individual assistance to students in attaining academic success.


Email us at or call (507) 460-1500 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to report absences.

  • Please call or email the attendance office to report any student absences or to request student homework.
  • Homework must be requested by 10 a.m. and only after two or more consecutive days of absence.
  • If you reach the attendance office's voicemail system when you call, please do leave a message, as voicemail is checked frequently throughout the school day.

Also, please be advised that we will NOT be accepting items/messages for student delivery unless it is an emergency! Thank you very much for your continued cooperation and understanding.

Registration Information

What's For Lunch?

What's for lunch?

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